Bett Gallery



The Hermannsburg Potters are a dedicated group of Western Arrarnta artists creating vibrant handmade ceramic pots that encompass collective and individually lived histories in their distinct Country. The Hermannsburg artists continue a 30-year legacy, sculpting and painting their visual histories and contemporary settings, speaking to their cultural beliefs, traditions and values.  This collection of new works by Hermannsburg Potters share special stories and memories of the artists’ time spent visiting Country with their old people.

These pots are about going back to Country with our families and our old people. We grew up Country visiting with Grandparents, learning with Uncles, Aunties and Parents. Learning to hunt, visiting the little camps everywhere. Just one big group, in two cars maybe.

After the old people pass on we show this all to the little ones, to the next generations. Then they can take on the stories and share them on again.

– Beth Mbitjana Inkamala