155A Gallery

Flowers in the Window

Daniel shadbolt 

Flowers in the Window, a solo exhibition of paintings by Daniel Shadbolt NEAC

May 23 - June 9th 2024
Thursday | Friday | Saturday 12 - 6
Sundays 12 - 4

Painting has always been about remaking what I see . . .

It then became about trying to paint how I see . . .

More recently, the question has become what do I want to see.

I paint less to ‘describe’ things but more to balance an impression on the canvas and to set up a series of ‘equivalences’ that remake the appearance.

Witnessing dusk and the twilight is like making a painting, when the shifts in colour and tone around us alter our senses and affect us. Painting a landscape from the studio becomes an act of ‘willing’ something into being. I like to paint places with an element of familiarity to me.

My studio is infused with anemones, lilac, roses, bluebells, daffodils and tulips. Reflecting in glass and reaching towards the window. The subdued north-facing light has an intimate feel. Making floral compositions in this setting at the centre of this exhibition.

 - Daniel Shadbolt, read more -  NEAC website