The Dot Project

CLARE DUDENEY | Living Threads | Foundation's

Clare Dudeney’s latest collage painting series explores the feelings of being interconnected with nature. Slowly observing the evolving patterns and rhythms of both the environment and the human body. Heightened through a recent personal experience of perceiving the body as a field of vibrations during period of silent meditation.
The artworks are made by breaking a sheet of paper into pieces, individually painting each fragment, and then reassembling them like a jigsaw puzzle. This process reveals fields of colour, which vibrate against each other. With an emphasis on where pieces touch with torn edges and intricate fixings barely visible beneath the surface.
Drawing inspiration from books on human-environment relationships, including Nan Shepherd’s “The Living Mountain” and Robin Wall Kimmerer’s “Braiding Sweetgrass,” many of the artwork titles reflect insights and themes from these poetic works.