Abattoir Gallery

Catherine Lentini

Catherine Lentini’s painting is grounded in self-imposed rules, an affinity for color, and a fascination with the illusionistic space on the flat surface of a canvas. Using imagery informed by both digital space and tropes of hard-edge painting from the twentieth century, her process incorporates basic arithmetic and abstract reasoning to create an image that engages the mind and is delightful to perceive.

The duochrome paintings in her most recent body of work depict systems of gradients layered on top of background patterns which shift the perception of the colors in the gradient, punctuated by different optically charged elements similar to digital test patterns. Each painting serves as a proposed solution to the constraints imposed by working within this framework, an expression of Lentini’s interest in painting as a way of thinking.

Lentini's works will be on view by appointment at Abattoir's new, secondary location, Abattoir at the Quarter. This space is a ground-level gallery done in partnership with The Quarter Apartments at 2615 Detroit Avenue, Hingetown, Ohio City.