
A New Tale

Ugo Schildge 2024

杜梦堂(上海)欣然呈现法国艺术家雨果·席德(Ugo SCHILDGE)个展“世说新语”。这是艺术家在画廊的第四次个展,以近二十件作品集中呈现其近两年的创作成果。“世说新语”通过一系列耐人寻味的寓言,在艺术家游离于雕塑与绘画的独特创作方式中探索人类与自然的深刻联系,引导我们重新审视那些看似理所当然的权力关系。

DUMONTEIL Shanghai is delighted to present “A New Tale”, the solo exhibition of French artist Ugo SCHILDGE. This marks the artist's fourth solo exhibition with the gallery, showcasing nearly twenty of his most recent works. Through a series of intriguing allegories and the artist’s unique approach, which oscillates between sculpture and painting, “A New Tale” explores the deep connection between mankind and nature, and re-examines those seemingly taken-for-granted power relationships.