Alexander Berggruen

The Natural World: Part II

March 9-April 13, 2022

This group show, presented in two parts, explores how the natural environment and the flora of domestic settings have evolved in contemporary painting, drawing, and sculpture. Certain works explore more traditional depictions of landscape and plant life, while others verge on surrealist adaptations of our known world. Part I explored historical works over the last six decades to generate rich context for the contemporary works that will be shown in Part II. In this second iteration, contemporary artists expand the vocabulary of painting the natural world as they record their own histories, transform their memories of landscape into unreality resembling reality, utilize the digital tools and aesthetics at their fingertips, and project psychological interpretations onto land.

United by their exploration of the natural world, the artists in this group show respond to the present moment by capturing the potential in the land that surrounds them or exists in their minds.