


2025.02.15 - 04.12

DUMONTEIL Shanghai is delighted to present Nows, Zhu Xinyu’s first solo exhibition at the gallery. Featuring his most recent pictorial creations, the exhibition unveils the artist's visual spectacles rooted in his daily life and spiritual quest. Through an atmospheric colour palette and playful elements that resemble mathematical models, Zhu measures and reconfigures time and space in multiple dimensions, inviting viewers into a ‘now’ full of endless possibilities, where reality intertwines with memory and imagination.

杜梦堂(上海)欣然呈现艺术家朱新宇在画廊的首次个展 「诸时皆在」,通过其近期最新绘画实践展现艺术家基于日常生活的视觉奇观,以及由此展开的精神求索。朱新宇以近似数学模型的趣味元素和充满氛围感的色调,将时间与空间的多重维度解构重组,让现实、记忆与想象交织,用绘画为观者揭示了一个充满无尽可能性的“现在”。