
Mysticisme et poésie des Formes

Étienne-Martin | Robert Couturier

2024.9.21 - 2024.11.16

杜梦堂(上海)荣幸呈现「形态的诗与哲」,展出20世纪法国雕塑界两位举足轻重的人物——艾蒂安-马丁(Étienne-Martin)和罗伯特·库蒂里耶(Robert Couturier)的作品。这是两位艺术家的作品在国内的首个展览。此次精选的二十件雕塑作品跨越了他们职业生涯的中期至晚期,展现了两位艺术家如何将形态美学的探索与哲学思考相结合,通过各自独特而多元的创作实践成为现代雕塑发展的重要组成。

DUMONTEIL Shanghai is honored to present “Mysticisme et Poésie des Formes (Mysticism and Poetry of Forms)", a duo exhibition featuring works by Étienne-Martin and Robert Couturier, two pivotal figures in 20th-century sculpture. This marks the first time that both artists' works are being exhibited in China. Spanning the middle to the latter stages of their careers, the twenty sculptures on display demonstrate how these artists combined their exploration of morphological aesthetics with philosophical reflections, becoming essential contributors to the development of modern sculpture.