Gallery Exit



For this exhibition, the Hong Kong-based artist has produced a series of mostly small-format paintings. Taken together, the works portray a city in crisis: they show scenes from the mass protests, violent clashes and indiscriminate arrests that shook the artist's hometown in 2019.

CHOW's paintings of the protests offer neither context nor explanation. Instead of forcing an interpretation onto the viewer, they adopt a street-level perspective. We witness the clashes like ordinary Hongkongers would if they suddenly found themselves in a tense and rapidly escalating situation. Overwhelmed and with nothing but glimpses of the unfolding events, we must piece the fragments of information together by ourselves.

In their immediacy and directness, CHOW's paintings resemble the quick social media snapshots shared by citizen journalists during the protests. Committing those scenes to canvas, however, lends them a heightened sense of urgency. They make clear that something very important has changed, something that must never be allowed to slip into oblivion.