193 Gallery

El peso de las alas


The exhibition El peso de las alas (The Weight of Wings) brings together pieces from some Esterio Segura's most emblematic series, linked to the theme of travel, such as his Emigrants, whose antecedent is his work Hybrid of Chrysler, presented at the 57th Venice Biennale, which forms a very particular group, marked by the contradiction of having wings without being able to fly. Symbols of the journey, in its temporal and geographical dimension, these cars come from an island that lives on its history and utopia, and represent the resilience and hope with which Cuban society faces the difficulties of daily life. Goodbye my love is certainly the artist's most famous work, as it crosses the world with its red wings to nostalgically remind us how difficult it is to say goodbye to those we love.

The focal point of the exhibition is his series of photographs Lost luggage, which is presented to the public for the first time. The artist evokes the complex experience of the migrant subject, in crisis for political, social, cultural or economic reasons, forced to venture on a journey that is at once physical, temporal and existential, during which he or she is forced to leave the country.and existential, during which he must often completely abandon his past, everything that once was part of his life. The weight of the wings is in fact only the weight of the memory.