No Man's Art Gallery


Art Antwerp
12 - 15 December 2024
Booth A30
Marilyn Sonneveld, Jamal Nxedlana, Mia Chaplin & Maxim Santalov

No Man's Art Gallery is honoured to introduce a group presentation at Art Antwerp 2024, including Dutch painter and glass sculptor Marilyn Sonneveld, South African photographer Jamal Nxedlana, Russian visual artist Maxim Santalov, and South African painter and sculptor Mia Chaplin. The presentation offers a multifasceted and interdisciplinary approach to a variety of artistic themes, such as becoming, fragility, the (othered) body, sensuality, uncertainty, and womanhood. By employing numerous mediums and allowing for engufling reflections, the artists share a piece of their lived realities, simultaneously through colour and form.