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Printmaking today prize

2020 shortlisted artists

With thanks to the many artists who submitted work for the 2020 Jerwood Printmaking Today Prize. The panel of judges was chaired by Anne Desmet, RA and included Philippa Hogan-Hern (Jerwood); Leonie Bradley (Printmaking Today); Catherine Daunt (British Museum); and Helen Rosslyn (LOPF).

We are delighted to announce the five shortlisted artists are: Prudence Ainslie, nominated by Rabley Gallery; Nick Archer, nominated by Long & Ryle; Lisa Chang Lee, nominated by the Royal Society of Painter Printmakers; Sophie Charalambous, nominated by Rebecca Hossack Gallery; and Calum McClure, nominated by Glasgow Print Studio. The winner will be chosen and announced over the next couple of weeks.

Anne Desmet, RA, Chair of the judging panel said:

"It was a pleasure and an honour to chair this prize for a second year. The standard of submissions was, again, very high with memorable prints from young early-career artists and by mid-career artists coming new to printmaking. Works were wonderfully diverse ranging from the intensively figurative to pure abstraction and some bold sloganeering. There were Monoprints, Multi-layered Woodblocks, Screenprints, Etchings, Stone Lithographs and any number of Mixed-Media and experimental processes. Reducing our collective shortlist to just five artists was difficult, yet that difficulty reflects the strength and vitality of the art of print and the increasing numbers of galleries which support it."