David Risley

OUTPOST presents

Madame X

A solo exhibition by David Risley

To coincide with the launch of Copenhagen Fashion Week, British artist David Risley will have an an exhibition of new paintings at OUTPOST GALLERY opening Monday, 7th August at 4PM. Inspired by paintings of women, from early Renaissance frescos of standing saints to Portrait of Madame X by American painter John Singer Sargent, Risley looks to modern-day muses as his subject matter. Popular Danish fashion influencers Sophia Roe, Marie Jedig, Pernille Rosenkilde and Naomi Anwer are iconised by Risley in watercolour paints on life-size silk canvases. Risley contacted each woman and produced images in collaboration with them towards the final paintings. They were compensated for their time.

Excerpt from text by Lakeisha Goedluck

With thanks to 

@sophiaroe / Sophia Roe
@prosenkilde / Pernille Rosenkilde
@naomianwerr / Naomi Anwer
@mariejedig / Marie Jedig

August 7 - August 19, 2023