Double Square Gallery 双方藝廊


薩璨如1952年生於香港,成長於六零年代的台灣,在美國哥倫比亞大學取得藝術與教育碩士後前往義大利卡拉拉山附近的塞拉維札鎭(Seravezza)進行創作,長年旅居義大利,往返於台義兩地。薩從事雕刻創作逾40年,累積了豐富的創作成果,曾為1991年中華民國現代雕塑展首獎得主,並受邀參加威尼斯雕刻大展「開放 2000」。


Sah was born in Hong Kong in 1952 and grew up in Taiwan in the 1960s. She received an MA in Art and Art Education from Columbia University. She then went to Seravezza, close to the Carrara Mountains, in Italy to begin her creative journey and has lived there since. Sah often travels between Taiwan and Italy. In her forty-year career, Sah has accumulated a wealth of works and received the top award at the 1991 Chinese Modern Sculpture Exhibition. She was also invited to participate in the “OPEN 2000” sculpture exhibition in Venice and elected as a member of Royal Society of British Artists

Her large-scale public art pieces are seen around the world and in Taiwan. These streamlined, simple, and elegant works fully express her minimalist aesthetics and the delicate changes in the texture of the material. Her large works amaze people by their feminine creativity and execution. Sah’s works have earned many accolades from and been collected by Taipei Fine Arts Museum, Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts, National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, Azuchi-cho Cultural Center and Utsunomiya city in Japan, Farum International Sculpture Park in Denmark, and many more. Recently, she has been commissioned to create sculptures for prestigious hotels, mansions, and landmarks in Taipei, Beijing, Shanghai, Hong Kong, and Macau, collaborating with internationally-renowned architects to construct the artistic poetics of space.