Bett Gallery

David Keeling

 1992 TO 2021

Bett Gallery is thrilled to present this unique exhibition of works on paper to coincide with David Keeling: Stranger, a survey exhibition at the Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery
featuring more than 70 artworks dating from the 1980's celebrating the achievements of an artist at the height of his career.

"For me every painting, sculpture, indeed every idea begins with a drawing.  Most immediately it begins with a sketch in a journal and from there developed until the idea becomes concrete. Often I will develop up an idea into a complete drawing, a practice I have continued over the decades I have worked as an artist.  Drawing is an essential part of my work, and over the years I have kept a comprehensive collection of drawings that I have selected from for this exhibition.  Many of the major series of works I have undertaken are represented in this exhibition ‘Parallel lines’."

David Keeling 2021